Sunday, March 9, 2025

REVIEW: LORDI Album “Limited Deadition” Brings Back 80s Horror With a Bang

Lordi is a Finnish rock band, which sets them apart from many in Finland as they are not death metal. One could almost say they are in a genre that the likes of Ghost inhabit, that of Immersive Performance Rock/Metal. They are a musical act that pulls in more than just getting on stage and playing rock or metal. They give a full performance for the audience.

Formed in 1992 by the band’s lead singer, songwriter and costume maker Mr Lordi (REAL NAME REDACTED – not spoiling it for you – its no secret but go and find it if you want to), Lordi are known for wearing monster masks and using horror elements with pyrotechnics during concerts and music videos.

The band rose to fame in 2002 with their hit single “Would You Love a Monsterman?” and went on to win the Eurovision Song Contest 2006 with their song “Hard Rock Hallelujah“.

They have gone through a number of line-ups and now in 2025 Lordi will be unleashing “Limited Deadition“, their nineteenth studio album on 21 March this year. And a lovely copy dropped in the inbox, so it has been playing non-stop all day.

Lordi Band photo

As with most of their albums, Lordi once again provide the avid listener with a definite horror theme and attach a story to the album. The theme in this one is very of the last few years, a fascination with the nostalgia of the 80s, perhaps best encapsulated with the popularity of Stranger Things.

However, if you went back to the 80s you have the building blocks of all the horror tropes you see in every movie or series now, and there was also a fantastic rock take on the horror genre “Trick or Treat” and, spoiler alert!, this new album reminds me of a more metal version of the songs from that movie (performed by Fastway, a bit of a British rock supergroup).

So does “Limited Deadition” stand up as an album to get?

Firstly the album is interspersed with little cut scene adverts, that if you were a child of the 80s will just drop you back to your childhood, to keep you immersed in the loose ‘story’ of the album. It really gives a bit of a sprinkle of magic dust to an already fever dream of metal tracks.

The first song is “Legends Are Made Of Clichés“, immediately gives the 80s vibe and even a little piano piece that gives a nodding reference to the likes of “Halloween” along with a build up of instruments before settling into a well paced Lordi track. It has the usual well rounded anthemic style that has a catchy hook and invites anyone listening to sing along. It is also a song packed with descriptions of 80s horror cliches, making it actually a fun song to try to spot all the cliches described and remember which horror I saw them in.

Syntax Terror” has a whole rock riff build on the foundations of 80s synth and a rhythm that just drags you along as if a headless horseman was going full tilt into the night while having their hand clamped around your neck and of in the distance is that bizarre phenomenon of backlit fog creeping out from the forest.

LORDI - Syntax Terror (Official Lyric Video)

Next is “Skelephant In The Room“, which takes a much more 80s light prog rock feel, that has yet again another catchy tune that reminds you of the teen horror movie, which was always a mix of monsters, rom-com and ‘weird’ science or magic. It just has theme tune written all over it. It has such a “Monster Squad” or “Teenwolf” type upbeat rhythm. It is delectable and is a pure shot of nostalgia. love it.

With “Killharmonic Orchestra“, we have a definite action horror splatterfest with older teens eventually sorting out that monster terrorising them. It has a wonderful heavy and fast pace, as if that car engine did actually start at the very last second and you had you foot pushing the throttle all the way down. Definitely a tune for the car. This one reminded me the most of “Tick or Treat”, which also had Gene Simmons and Ozzy Osbourne cameo appearances as a DJ and an evangelical respectively.

Now the pace is slowed down a little bit for a “Chucky” inspired ballad, of all things, called “Collectable“. Bizarre, strange, but utterly enjoyable especially with the immortal line “I’m collectible, but I come with a curse.” I just could not stop chuckling to my self while singing along without realising it. Honestly, i can see this song being a favourite to sing along to live. Pure genius.

Now we have the spiky hair, 80s version of rebellious punk song “Fangoria“. Once more upbeat but the catchy tune running through it all complimented by the vocals makes the whole track a musical joy to listen to. Of course, for those who grew up with it as well, Fangoria is a magazine started in 1979 and was very well read throughout the 80s and beyond that covers contemporary horror in books, on TV and in the cinema. I still remember reading a few of them and reading about ‘new’ horrors like “The Evil Dead” and reviews about the original “The Hills have Eyes”. Yes, the whole album will just be perfect for the metal and the horror aficionado, but that’s not its only shtick – every song is a banger.

Following on from this late night triple horror bill is “Hellizabeth“, a brilliant thumping song about that wonderful restless dead tied to an old house, it has a general reminiscence about films like “The House”, “Amityville” and “Poltergeist”. The tune though has an incredible wider fatal attraction with pure catchy 80s flavoured metal riffage mixed with that early morning American kids show vibe that launches into a chorus filled with rhythm that produces a heavy metal heaven of headbanging.

LORDI - Hellizabeth (Official Music Video)

Now comes “Retropolis“, which seems to have a very hair metal feel about it, once again beautifully sewed together with that pure 80s synth sound. Once again the tune has a catchy hook that just seems to pull you in like that fascinated randy teen who opens the door into the damp dark cellar that they thought they heard a sound from. Its just un-resistable.

Frighteousness” keeps you on your toes as it switches a bit to a light lobby musician introduction before kicking up a gear for the chorus giving the listener the instantly recognisable trope of being offered the vengence they so desire in their heart, just for the price of their soul. Don’t know why but “Leprechaun”, “Trick or Treat”, “Christine” or “Creepshow” came to mind.

Now comes the eponymous “Limited Deadition“, which once again showcases Lordi’s ability to turn shlock horror into metal and make it just fantastic fun. It has a little twinge of reggaeton here and there as well. But, oh so weirdly cathcy.

Finally to finish off the album is “You Might Be Deceased“, which a perfect end piece, really bringing the heavy with a thunderous thumping and pounding rhythm that lifts you onto a heavy metal steam train of horror – maybe think of Motorhead’s iconic train. Yeah. That one, but you are tied splayed across the guard irons as it takes you to hell.

Happy Metal Geek conclusion….

Overall, it can be safely stated that Lordi have done it again with “Limited deadition“, delivering an incredible whirlwind of horror fantasy wrapped up in clever wry lyrics that are self aware and displayed with a playful wink to break the fourth wall. The melodic metal wizardry of Lordi is fully on show showcasing their incredibly talented musicianship and their consistent delivery of heavy hitting professionally delivered songs that all seem to fit perfectly as epic arena anthems.

Every song has a catchy hook, full of energetic fun to juxtapose the actual dark material they sing about, though all with that impish grin. “Limited Deadition” once again highlights the genius lyrical word play delivered with Mr Lordi’s own distinctive deep growling vocals alongside the almost natural instincts they have for catchy, magnetic hooks, riffs and rhythms. There is not one song that feels like a filler, each one stands on its own as an iconic theme tune that can easily become an earworm. The whole album is an eminently not guilty “guilty pleasure” as it floods your head with an ocean full of endorphins brought on by watching your favourite “so bad its good” horror movie or tv show. The album is chock full with theme tunes painting the full spectrum of an 80’s smorgasbord of horror offerings.

Limited Deadition” is an album that explores the range of AOR/hair metal/80s rock inspired music from 80s period horror, but with a sharper bite and a mouth full of teeth with a metallic edge. Absolutely brilliant album and well worth adding to your library.

Pre-Order the “Limited Deadition” now

Lordi Album Limited Deadition

1. SCG XIX The Hexecutioners
2. Legends Are Made Of Clichés
3. Syntax Terror
4. Skelephant In The Room
5. SCGTV Saturday Night Main Event
6. Killharmonic Orchestra
7. Collectable
8. SCGTV Monster Squad Action Figures
9. Fangoria
10. Hellizabeth
11. SCGTV The Hexecutioners Season Finale
12. Retropolis
13. Frighteousness
14. SCGTV Crazy Ralph Promo
15. Limited Deadition
16. You Might Be Deceased

Lordi 1


Founded in 1992 by singer, songwriter and designerMr Lordi, LORDI are one of the major Finnish rock/heavy metal acts of our time. Originally rooted in Rovaniemi (Northern Lapland, Finland), the band achieved their international breakthrough after winning the Eurovision Song Contest with their hit song “Hard Rock Hallelujah” in 2006.

Since then, the unconventional troops have rocked their way into the spotlight of Europe with charm, unforgettable tunes and elaborate monster costumes, and have become an integral part of the line-ups of globally recognized festivals such as Wacken Open Air (DE) and Masters of Rock (CZ)among others.

LORDI are:Mr Lordi | vocals Kone | guitars Hiisi | bass Hella | keyboard Mana | drums

More on LORDI:|Facebook|Instagram|X|TikTok|YouTube|RPM

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