Sunday, March 9, 2025

REVIEW: HANGFIRE Debut Album “Burn” Brings The Heat

Hailing from Washington State, Hangfire bring together the formidable talents of incredible guitarist Sean ‘Shredder’ Searls (Tyraels Ascension), road warrior bassist Steven Tobeck, hard hitting drummer Shannon ‘The Cannon’ Laird (The Braindead, For The Love Of Suffering etc) and vocalist Jenea Fiore – one of the most exceptional new voices in metal today.

They have worked on their debut album “Burn” and it is coming close to release. On 02 May this year, Hangfire hope their sound will bring the heat to their journey into the rock world. But is it hot or not?

hangfire album "Burn" artwork

With “Hunger“, they immediately bring a tight atmospheric sound that feels like a mix of 80s Pat Benatar or Bonnie Tyler vocals and heavy rock from the wild west. Jenea’s vocals are incredible and just hold your attention while the guitar blazes its way through.

Thunder” by name and thunder by nature, it speeds its way through your soul with fantastic powerful rhythms and riffs, squealing shredding bolstered by a drum and bass powering the whole thing. It is an epic theme song.

Warhawk” keeps up the speed freak rhythm with a great Judas Priest feel and screams to be blasted out of speakers at 11. A pure adrenaline rush.

Then “White Lie” brings it down a little with a very “if Black Velvet was heavy metal” vibe. the groove going all the way through has pure 80s stamped all over it, ramped up for the 2020s. The solo is a pure joy to listen too and the solidly tight sound all round is beautifully delivered including Jenea’s emotionally powerful screams.

Headspin” puts the nitro back into the power metal engine and the song just blasts off full tilt. The juxtaposition of the power metal and Jenea’s perfectly clear and honeyed vocals just works so well. A beautiful track.

Hangfire - Headspin

Falling Awake” slows it all right down into a low light song flickering to the flames of an open fire. The massive sound of the electric guitar is replaced by the ephemeral acoustic guitar to create a delicate and elfin like ballad. It is only later in the song when the electric guitar kicks in that you get a sense of unbridled power being let off the leash. The song swirls and swoops filled with emotional turmoil.

Then comes the pounding “SOS” thudding along to a headbangers delight, it once again mixes together in a perfect pot of ingredients that compliment each other. Another power metal delight.

The Hunter” slowly begins with a slow light touch of Metallica-esque intro that gives Jenea space to vocally paint over it with a delicate ethereal touch before it punches you right in the face with a gauntleted fist. Repeatedly. Fast. It is a power metal version of a thrashingly good track.

Now we get to a favourite in “Outlaw“, an unapologetically no holds barred western metal track with that acoustic intro that has your drawing for your six shooter, before it speeds up as Jenea joins in with her powerful vocals pulling you on and before you know it the big heavy electric guitar explodes into your face. Once again the rhythm, riffs and solos are power perfection all tied together with that anthemic fist thumping drums and bass. This should be a crowd pleaser at any stadium.


Burn” starts off with an almost horror feel and once the drums, bass and guitar kicks in it only underlines the threatening sense of the track. Throughout is the piano like a metronome keeping the oppressive ominous feeling enveloping the whole track. yet with the vocals it has almost a light touch that works so well.

The Cold” is another slow down moment that that pulls you in to a false sense of a ballad as the track hammers in with a wall of sound that just rocks you through the whole thing all while powerful emotional vocals bind you as if caught in a spell.

The final track is “Fire in the Night” and finishes off the track with an almost mournful vibe that combines with heavy power metal to give another anthem. An incredible song to end the album on.

Happy Metal Geek says…

Overall, Hangfire‘s 12 song debut album does not skimp on the meat. It is chock full of anthems that are thick with thunderous sounds, voluminous riffs, angelic vocals and driving grooves.

Each and every song is absolutely incredible bringing to mind the hey day of the likes of Pat Benatar and Bonnie Tyler. Hangfire definitely feels like the Warlock of the 2020s, carrying that flag high and proud without any equivocation.

It is a very fine debut album and can only be a good sign for the future of the band and its creative excellence. What an album and what a band.

hangfire live on stage


Jenea Fiore – Vocals | Sean ‘Shredder’ Searls – Guitar | Steven Tolbeck – Bass | Shannon ‘The Cannon’ Laird – Drums

More on Hangfire:

Website|Rottweiler Records

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