NEWS: THE VICTIMS REINCARNATE Leap From the Pages of Bruckmann’s Loopgod/Doomdog to Release Debut EP
From the pages of Gerog Bruckmann’s horror novel “Loopgod / Doomdog” comes the metal band The Victims Reincarnate. And while you can read about the band and the type of music it is playing, filling in the gaps can sometimes be a bit generic or difficult to figure out if it fits in with your imagination.
As part of Gerog’s side project connected to his novel, you need wonder no more as he brings the band itself to life.
“Loopgod / Doomdog” tells of the fate of a fictional metal band and that the book generally includes a lot of homages and Easter eggs regarding everything metal. So, Georg, who has been playing in metal bands since he was fourteen, also thought it would be cool to breathe a little unholy life into the band itself.
Georg already has eighteen songs sketched out for the project, with the first four being published on the first self titled EP. Though The Victims Reincarnate self-titled debut was intended to be a fully fledged album and sound a little different, Georg explained the slight change saying “The music became a lot harder than I described in the book and unfortunately I didn’t have enough time to work out more details and finish more pieces. But well, that’s how art works; it breathes, lives and and sometimes takes strange highways. And its all good”
He continued: “The albums “Gravebreaker” and “Back from Heaven” mentioned in the book will definitely be released and all other streaming services and digital music portals will be added in the next few days.
You can purchase the EP through Bandcamp where the setup makes it begin to feel a little bit more ARG, so that there is a dynamic between the novel and the music Bruckmann is producing alongside it. The book is included as a digital bonus with the Bandcamp release! You can also hear the author read the first few pages of his book on Youtube
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