Sunday, March 9, 2025

NEWS: LIV KRISTINE is back With Her Seventh Album “

Just two years after the release of River of Diamonds, LIV KRISTINE is back with her seventh solo album, “Amor Vincit Omnia“, and is as passionate as ever. It will be out through Metalville.

The music on Amor Vincit Omnia was composed by the sought-after session and live musician Sascha Dannenberger, who was also responsible for the production in his SaDinTheBox Studio and the Twilight Sound Studio in Karlsruhe. The 11 tracks were mastered by Andy Classen at his Stage One Studio.

In their songs, the band skillfully and excitingly combines classic dark rock with elements of doom, rock, and pop to create an extraordinary mix of sounds that fully emphasizes the mood of each individual track.

Liv Kristine album artwork for Amor Vincit Omnia

LIV KRISTINE has always had a strong connection to her fans and followers. Personally and in her lyrics, she has an open manner that instils instant appreciation and confidence.

Amor Vincit Omina begins with “Prelude,” where LIV KRISTINE gives you immediate and complete access to her soul and heart. It is a raw, screaming melodic composition that ends with a heartbeat.

In her lyrics, LIV KRISTINE discusses life from both a broken and a beautiful, loving perspective (“12th February”), touches the earth and soul (“Angel in Disguise”), and bows to Mother Nature’s seasons and her own personal growth (“Tangerines”). She explains the path of healing after the complete breakdown of boundaries and resilience – and why she does not tolerate mean and abusive behavior towards people and nature. The album is an ode to life untouched – “Ode to Life Pristine.”

Amor Vincit Omnia

She alternates between breath-taking directness (“Hold it with Your Life,” “Melange,” “Unzip My Love”) and messages wrapped in poetic language (“Amor Vinci Omina,” “When Stillness Speaks”).

On the title track, you can also hear the growls of Michael Espenæs, her husband, which give the song a perfect “Beauty & the Beast” constellation.

“Sapphire Heaven,” which builds a musical and lyrical bridge between the previous and the new release, is one of the album’s most brilliant moments. It is a luxury to take the freedom to feel, and this is the only way to achieve this mixture.

The once-again-impressive artwork by Marc Niederhagemann (ArtWeRK – Mediadesign) with photos by Mariël Rohrbach complements the musical and lyrical world of the songs on Amor Vinci Omina with its Gothic-style images.

Liv Kristine photo

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Deus Ex Machina (1998)
Enter My Religion (2006)
Skintight (2010)
Libertine (2012)
Vervain (2014)
River of Diamonds (2023)

with Midnattsol
The Aftermath (2018)

with Leaves’ Eyes
Lovelorn (2004)
Vinland Saga (2006)
Njord (2009)
Meredead (2011)
Symphonies of the Night (2013)
King of Kings (2015)

with Theatre of Tragedy
Theatre of Tragedy (1995)
Velvet Darkness They Fear (1996)
Aégis (1998)
Musique (2000)
Assembly (2002)

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