Saturday, February 22, 2025

NEWS: Cubicle 7 bring us back to the Old World – Warhammer style

Cubicle 7 are set to land their tome for roleplaying in the Warhammer Old World very soon and have already released the early pdf version through DriveThru RPG. And it looks lush! The whole book looks incredibly evocative with beautiful graphics throughout. Cubicle 7 have pulled no punches in landing a Giantslayer-like deathblow to anyone who thought this might not work.

From start to finish it evokes the true feeling of the Warhammer fantasy world that seemed to take a massive dip with the almost a roleplay game/almost a boardgame version that Fantasy Flight Games produced. Fantasy Flight did a superb job with the Warhammer 40K universe roleplaying game but many could just not quite get into the way they delivered WHFRP third edition.

This fourth edition from Cubicle 7 delivers in spades.

From the very front page to the very last page you can just hear quality screaming out. This is truly a thing of beauty and well worth the wait.

Whilst the system has had a major overhaul any diehard First and Second edition player will feel incredibly at home with this new offering, especially as it has the old D100 rolling back into town to resolve tests. races, classes and careers are well catered for as well as the traditional advancement system, though with a few tweaks here and there. They have added some new concepts such as advantage in combat and success levels. All you will need now is a D100. No more D6 rolling is required due to the updated mechanics. There are also lots of optional rules that you can take or leave depending on how you want to play the game.

Cubicle 7 have done themselves and all old Grognards and new players proud. They even kept in the Fimir!!!!

Warhammer Fantasy Roleplaying is available now as a pdf on Drivethru, and the hard copies from Cubicle 7 are coming this August and September with the main rule book and a boxed starter set. The limited edition Roleplaying book is long sold out. They have also made WHFRP First Edition and Second edition available on DriveThru RPG as pdfs. What lovely chaps they are.

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