
Luna goes Back in Black

Luna Lee is a Korean Gayageum Musician and a popular Youtuber.

While she is an accomplished musician in her own right it is by covering tunes of Jimi Hendrix, Joe Satriani, Steve Vai, Stevie Ray Vaughan and many others with her Gayageum that got her noticed. And through these superb covers, she blurs the boundaries between traditional and contemporary music.

Obviously, the only real tracks worth covering are rock and roll songs. 🙂

May she go from strength to strength.

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Follow: https://telegram.me/lunaleemagazine https://www.facebook.com/lunaxmusic https://twitter.com/Lunaxmusic https://instagram.com/lunagayageum

Album: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/lun… http://www.amazon.com/Luna/dp/B00GKI4… http://www.domomusicgroup.com/luna/

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